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Sorry, you've been blocked. This site uses a security service to protect against online attacks. The action you just took triggered a security solution. There are several actions that can cause blocking, including typing a specific word or phrase, an SQL command, or improperly generated data. What can I do to fix this problem? You can send an email to the owner of the site to let them know that you have been blocked. Please indicate what you were doing when this page appeared, and the Cloudflare ray ID at the bottom of this page. Sorry, you have been blocked. This site uses a security service to protect against online attacks. The action you just took triggered a security solution. There are several actions that can cause blocking, including typing a specific word or phrase, an SQL command, or improperly generated data. What can I do to fix this problem? You can send an email to the owner of the site to let them know that you have been blocked. Please indicate what you were doing when this page appeared and the Cloudflare beam ID at the bottom of this page. Marketing cycle Download Published material violates your copyright? Let us know. marketing .docx Downloads: - "The essence of marketing, purpose, principles, functions". - Chapter I. History of marketing. - 1.1 Development of marketing in foreign countries - 1.2 Development of marketing in Russia - Chapter II. The concept and essence of marketing. - 2.2 Stages of marketing cycle. Marketing in action. - Chapter III. The goals of marketing. - 3.1 The purposes of marketing - 3.2 The role of marketing in business - 3.3 The organization of marketing - Chapter IV.Functions of marketing and its features in Russia. - 4.1 Functions of marketing - 4.2 Consumerism and marketing service - 4.3 Features of Russian marketing

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